Thursday, November 09, 2006

Irritable bowel Syndrome-Trigger Foods

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Triggers
The trigger foods for IBS are vast and many people are not on the right track from the beggining. Many people tend to think that only the bland foods are ok to eat. This statement couldn't be farther from the truth. The reality is that the triggers, or foods you want to stay away from are all of the things that are hard to digest. Most of these are insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber is the fiber in foods that is not easily digested. This is not to say that you cant have any insoluble fiber at all. You just need to watch you intake heavily and eat these items in small quantities. When eatin in moderation patients usually feel the differrance within a couple of weeks, sometimes within a couple of days. I have compiled a list of trigger foods which is shown below. If you have any questions please leave a comment and I will do my best to address it.
  • Foods high in fat-usually anything greasy or fried
  • Red meat-this one kills me. That includes anything that comes from pigs, cows, goats, deer, sheep and so on.
  • pultry is ok BUT the dark meat and skin are not- i ate chicken thighs for a while wondering why I had to run to the bathroom afterwards. There was a deffinate reason.
  • All Dairy products-this may surprise you but even the ones that are made with dairy but are lactose free can cause GI distress.
  • The Whites of eggs are ok BUT the yolks are not. In my case thay make me especially sick and bloated or gassy.

All of these foods tend to wreak havok on the intestinal tract for us IBS'ers. They can cause anywhere from just some minor gas to a complete attack of colon spasms and contractions at amazing rates. So I dont really need to say it but stay away from these. You do not need any of these. I mentioned above that some insoluble fiber you should eat in moderation those I will talk about in my next post, but for these listed above just stay away completely. You will thank me and your toilet will thank you.

There are many other foods that are high in fat that can also cause unwanted GI stress many of which you may not think of off hand. While i am going to provide a very short list reading labels on the food you order or purchase is a good habit to get into.

  • Coconut milk
  • Shredded coconut
  • All oils, fats, spreads, dressings, or added toppings may be very high in fats and oils.
  • watch out when eating food that could have been cooked in oil(you can order otherwise to be safe)
  • Mayonnaise
  • Olives
  • doughnuts or any pastries
  • Potato or corn chips but the baked variety is usually a great alternative. Just watch for flavor enhancers like modified food starch or MSG(this one is a complete Tummy killer)

Please feel free to leave comments I would love to hear what you have to say. Thank you

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