Saturday, November 11, 2006

Irritable Bowel Syndrome And Water-Drink Tons

Irritable Bowel Syndrome And Water
Really this is gonna be a really simple one. The fact is that people with IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome need to drink at least 64 ounces of water a day. Many doctors say that you should actually try to consume twice that. I find that hard some days, but I don't know that when I am taking in a large amount of water each day I start to feel positive results within a week.

If you have liquid stool you probably know by now that taking a soluble fiber supplement can greatly help. Some people complain that this isn't helping. The truth is that a large percentage of these complaints come from those who are not drinking enough water. The two work in unison to carry soluble fiber to where it needs to be to effectively soak up excess liquid in the digestive tract.

The combination of soluble fiber and water also aid in GI muscle tone,Bringing oxygen to tissue, and removing unwanted and sometimes toxic waste from the GI tract. It has also shown to be helpful with the good little bacteria we need for digestion.


  • Drink Tons of water- At the least 64 ounces every day
  • If you have liquid stool(IBS D)water and soluble fiber work together for great results.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very helpful, thank you