Thursday, January 15, 2009

Please leave a comment if anyone is still interested in this info????

please let me know so i can decide if i want to post more regularly.



Lesley said...

hi there! I just came across your blog while looking for information on food combinations with IBS. I've been suffering with what is supposedly IBS for years and I'm so frustrated and sad and just a mess over it. My doctor is working with me to hopefully start isolating foods soon to see if I may have an allergy...but the stuff you've put up here is really helpful.

I just wanted to let you know that someone found you and is benefiting from it. Hopefully I will have some answers someday. Until then, I'm held captive by this awful disorder. Gah!

Sarah Alm said...

Please continue posting. Your article on Food Combining for IBS was so so very helpful to me!!