Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Stress

So there has been this on going discussion among the IBS world whether stress contributes to IBS. The answer is YES hands down, no questions about it. I could ramble on about all this proof and this and that clinical study but we all know that would be extremely boring. The bottom line is yes it can increase symptoms for those of us blessed with this disease.

There are many ways that people deal with stress. Some people remove large chunks of hair from their skull. Some people take it out on those around them, and then some people deal with is the right way. Stress works differently for different people, therefore there are different ways of dealing with it. My favorites are exercise, yoga, sleep, and tea.
I think that dealing with stress through exercise is one of the best forms of release. You get to sweat out the stress and take your mind off of what is bothering you. Even if you can't seem to shake those negative thoughts subconsciously you are doing so. This also ties into sleep. We all know when you are tired you sleep better.
This is by far one of the best ways to release stress and it also greatly aids in digestion for many people. This is not only because it reduces stress but many of the moves stregthen stomach muscles to help with motility. Many of the movements are geared toward digestion. Just make sure that when you go to a class or watch a video and at the same time have IBS-D that you are careful with the moves.
I early on discovered a direct correlation between the amount of sleep I got and how I felt throughout the next day. Do yourself a favor and try to sleep as much as you can. Take naps or just close your eyes and relax completely it can help tremendously. As for tea, there are many teas geared toward stress reduction which are great. For me they just make me relax more and even for some of the stronger ones make me a little out of it. Sometimes I feel like I just need to be out of it for a couple hours. My only warning for tea is to make sure you read the ingredients carefully as to not drink anything that does not agree with your stomach.
Any questions just fire them off in a comment.

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